Luke Arredondo shared his experience teaching his four-year-old about the corporal works of mercy. They made booklets and talked about ways to practice these works:
What was so heartwarming about this experience is that she immediately started suggesting ways we could carry out the corporal works of mercy.
Feed the hungry? She knew what to do: “Maybe we could just make some food, and give it to people who need some. We have lots of food, and we can cook something. Right, Daddy?”
Or how about sheltering the homeless? “Well, Daddy, I think we could make some room for them at our house. Then, when they get monies, they can save it for a long time until they can make their own house. But they can stay with us until then.”
We are all called as Christians to help our fellow man and it is humbling that children can often grasp this concept without hesitation, while to adults the idea of a homeless person living in their house may seem uncomfortable. We would like to invite our readers to step outside their comfort-zone and consider: