This Christmas falls on a Sunday, a fact that spurred Tom Hoopes to share a conversation he had with one of his offspring. He tries to explain to a kid why Christmas doesn’t really fit in any day of the week. Some of it was a stretch but there were some good points:
“Think of the absurdity of Christmas on a Monday,” I said.
“Umm … not feeling it,” said my offspring.
“How long will Week 4 of Advent be this year?” I asked.
“Duh. A week long.”
“That’s right, but when Christmas is on a Monday how long is Week 4 of Advent?”
“Ah-ha. Just one day. Just that Sunday. You’re right! That is weird.”
“And how about Christmas on Tuesday?” I asked.
“What about it?”
“What is the Monday before a Christmas Tuesday?”
“Christmas Eve.”
“And what is the day before that?”
“A Sunday Mass day.”
“It’s too much, all in a row like that.”
“Hmmm,” thought the child. “It does seem stupid to have Christmas on a Tuesday.”
“Totally,” I said. “But don’t say stupid. Say ‘silly.’”
“Whatever. Christmas on Tuesday is silly.
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