Of 453 institutions surveyed, 60% expected healthcare costs to increase and none expected healthcare costs to decrease due to implementation of the Affordable Healthcare Act.Sixty percent of colleges and universities expect healthcare costs to increase because of the Affordable Care Act, according to findings from a survey performed by The College and University Professional Association for Human Resources.
The group surveyed 453 institutions including faithful Catholic colleges such as Belmont Abbey College, Franciscan University of Steubenville, and The Catholic University of America as well as other Catholic institutions such as DePaul University and Fairfield University.
While the Obama administration vowed that the ACA would decrease healthcare costs, not one college or university expected health care costs to decrease due to the ACA, according to the survey. While 60 percent said they believed costs would increase, 40 percent said they believed the costs stay the same.
More than a quarter of colleges responding to the survey have already increased costs to employees in preparation for the mandate. Key parts of the law do not go into effect until 2014.
Fifty-seven percent of the institutions which responded to the survey offer healthcare benefits to same-sex partners. That percentage is up from 40 percent just seven years ago.
Originally published by Catholic Education Daily of the Cardinal Newman Society on August 6th, 2013.