With the release of the film Padre Pio, featuring Shia LaBeouf, the popular saintly friar has has been in the news even more.
Now some people have seen the movie and felt frustrated that it didn't detail the more positive moments in his life. However, seeing how Pio had to overcome such personal struggles and temptations along his own spiritual journey -- and then succeed in reaching sainthood -- makes him the perfect saint to listen to if you're facing your own dark moments in life.
Here are just a few powerful quotes that might help when you're in need:
"Temptations belong to devil and hell, sufferings belong to God and Paradise."
The thought doesn't make the sin, but consenting to the thoughts does it."
"Don't voluntarily dwell on what the devil presents to you."
"There is joy in the spiritual battles. Learn how to fight and you will be certain of victory."
We must prepare for temptation if we want to approach God."
"Despise the temptation and embrace the tribulation."
"When the enemy roars around you, it shows that he is not in you."