As a busy mom of four young kids, I don’t have a ton of time to add extra schoolwork to our packed days. And I don’t want our time learning about faith and the saints to be onerous but something my kids enjoy and look forward to.
Because of this, I keep our liturgical-living lessons on the saints and special feast days quick and hands-on. I usually use a video if I can find one online, because my kids find these fun. And I always try to include some kind of craft, because my kids love those.
If you’re also a busy parent or teacher wanting a quick lesson you don’t have to prepare ahead of time, here’s your plan.
All you have to do to prepare is (optionally!) print this coloring page and get out some coloring supplies. You can print it while the kids watch the video if you’re pressed for time.
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini's annual feast day is her beatification day anniversary, November 13 in the U.S., and on her death day anniversary of December 22 elsewhere around the world.
1Share the story of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini
Tell the kids, “It’s a special feast day today -- the feast of St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, the first US citizen to be made a saint! Let’s learn about her amazing story.”
If you have something in common with Mother Cabrini, such as Italian heritage or if you live in one of the many places she worked (New York, Chicago, Denver, and others), share it with the kids to establish a connection.
Read aloud a biography of Mother Cabrini if you have one. My favorite is Mother Cabrini: A Heart for the World. If you have a saint treasury at home, her biography might be included.
Then watch this short 10-minute video about her life:
2Work on the activity
Educator Maria Montessori once said, “Never give more to the mind than you give to the hand.” While older children can certainly comprehend much more than they can touch, it’s true that working with their hands helps a child connect with and retain a lesson.
After watching the biography video, pass out this coloring page of Mother Cabrini. Alternatively, you can share the drawing tutorial below for kids to draw their own picture of her. I will definitely share this one with my kids, as they are obsessed with how-to-draw videos!
3Talk and pray
Finally, briefly talk about what you learned from the book or video. You might ask the kids these kinds of questions:
- What did you hear?
- What were some hard things Mother Cabrini did to follow God’s call for her?
- What was your favorite part of her story?
- All saints acted like Jesus in their own unique ways. What are some ways Mother Cabrini was like Jesus?
- Is there anything you would like to say to Jesus about Mother Cabrini?
Or you might offer the kids the option to act out part of her life or draw a scene from her story.
Then end with a prayer, like this one:
God our Father,
who called Saint Frances Xavier Cabrini from Italy
to serve the immigrants of America,
by her example,
teach us to have concern for the stranger,
the sick, and all those in need,
and by her prayers help us to see Christ
in all the men and women we meet.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever.
St. Frances Xavier Cabrini, pray for us!