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I Waited With Jesus Outside of Time’s Jurisdiction

Theresa Aletheia Noble - published on 03/29/16

An encounter with Christ, outside of time, brings a powerful experience of prayer[NOTE: The historical events of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection allow us to come in contact with God and experience his saving power and grace in a way that was not available to people before Jesus lived on Earth. This is a meditation on the mystery of this intimate contact with Christ that is available to us through the liturgy and through the grace that Jesus continually pours upon us.—Sr. TAN]

Christ’s very physical humanity and the events that were linked in that humanity envelop, enclose and surround us. We are in Christ and in his mysteries physically and really, not by corporal but by spiritual contact.—William Barden, OP

Last week on Holy Thursday I waited quietly until midnight in the place where the novices had set up the tabernacle.

As I waited with Jesus, words and images would form and then crumble to pieces on the floor of my mind.

I just sat with him.

And as I sat, I realized that this is who I want to be, with God’s grace, for the rest of my life: the one who remains with Jesus.

In the quiet darkness, it felt like Time had cotton in her mouth. It is as if I were moving in slow motion, except I was not moving. I was still as the world whirled around outside in a frustrated frenzy: a circus of colors, spattering blood, champagne and tears against the walls.

Inside, before Jesus, all is still.

I can hear you speak to me.

The Creator speaks to the created and Time does not know what to do, because what is happening is outside of her jurisdiction. It is not across thousands of miles, but close. It is as if Time has wrinkled herself into a little ball and pulled with it the Uncaused Cause. God is in and around my soul. He speaks and every word resonates with every atom in me that he brought into being.

You are here with me.

It is the historical events of the Triduum that make this possible. I am surrounded by you and by the mysteries of salvation.

Pull me out of the world’s circus, Jesus. Help me see that I am always surrounded by your salvific mysteries and grace.

They are within me; I am within them.

You are saving me; I have been saved.

Let me remain in you as you remain in me.

Help me to stay here, Jesus, by your timeless side, and let me be your timeless presence in the world.

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