Photo of the Day: June 30, 2017TRENTON, New Jersey: A priest from the Diocese of Trenton lays hands on Fr. Michael Gentile Jr. at his ordination to the priesthood on June 3, 2017. Fr. Gentile, who hails from the Bronx, New York, answered the call after working in the car service and airline industry.
Photographs by Jeffrey Bruno for Aleteia

The moment of prostration. This is when the candidate lies face down on the ground while the bishop and entire congregation recite the Litany of the Saints, asking their prayers and support to strengthen the men on their ordination.

The maniturgium (latin for ‘hand towel’) is wrapped around Fr. Michael’s newly anointed hands by Bishop David M. O’Connell. It’s traditional for the priest to give the maniturgium to his mother at the celebration of his first Mass. When the mother passes away the cloth is wrapped around her hands and, according to legend, when she arrives at the gates of heaven she is brought before the Lord and He asks “I have given you life, what have you given me?” she then proceeds to hand over the cloth and says, “I have given you my son.” Then the Lord grants her entrance to heaven.

Fr. Michael holds the Eucharist in his hands at his first concelebrated Mass.

After praying a blessing over his parents, Fr. Michael embraces them on the momentous day!