He saw a problem, and the solution wasn’t hard to find!After serving in the military for 25 years, Roman Espinoza decided to go back to college. While preparing for a class presentation about nutrition, he realized how many people in his own community don’t have enough food, so he decided to take action and he set up his first Blessing Box.
The sign on the front reads, “Take what you need. Bring what you can. Above all else, be blessed!” It didn’t take long for the community to get involved. Soon, more people were leaving non-perishables in the pantry so that it remains stocked for anyone who needs it.
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10 Simple acts of mercy to slip into your everyday life
The first box was such a success that Espinoza is working on building more to place around the city. Though hunger is a global-scale problem, that problem can decrease in small ways, one blessing box at a time. Like Pope Francis has said, “Be the first to seek to bring good. Do not grow accustomed to evil, but defeat it with good.”