The South American country was the home of these amazing holy men and women.Well known for its breathtaking vistas from the famous Machu Picchu citadel, Peru is also a country that boasts several inspiring saints. These holy men and women from Peru will be venerated in a particular way when Pope Francis makes his upcoming apostolic visit to the country from January 18-21.
St. Rose of Lima

Born Isabel Flores de Oliva in Lima during the 16th century, she received her nickname “Rose” because a servant claimed she saw her face transform into a rose as an infant. Later she took that nickname as her confirmation name. At an early age Rose committed herself to a life of prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Her parents did not allow her to become a religious, so she remained in her home as a professed member of the Third Order of St. Dominic. She united her many sufferings to Christ, experiencing many mystical visions, and died at the age of 31.
St. Martin de Porres

Another saint from Lima during the same time period as Rose, Martin was the illegitimate son of a Spanish nobleman and a freed slave. Growing up in poverty, Martin desired to enter the Dominican Order, but was prevented from doing so because of his mixed race. At first he was only accepted as a servant, but eventually allowed to profess vows in the Third Order of St. Dominic. He was known for his extraordinary humility and holiness, and was always eager to serve the poorest of society.
St. Turibio of Mongrovejo

Born in Spain during the 16th century, Turibio was well known for his wisdom and knowledge in Church matters and was nominated to be an archbishop before he was even ordained a priest. This was quickly corrected and after being ordained a priest and bishop, was sent to Lima, Peru. He laid the groundwork for the church in Peru, establishing churches, schools, hospitals and convents. Turibio was a trailblazer, walking on foot to minister to his people, braving the harsh elements and fierce tribes. His holiness was highly revered by all and during his lifetime administered the sacrament of confirmation to both St. Rose and St. Martin.
St. John Macias

Similarly born in Spain during the 16th century, John felt called to the Dominican Order at an early age, but did not join the order until embarking on an adventure to Lima. He did not come to the New World intending to join the religious life, but while living in the new surroundings felt drawn again to the Dominicans. John joined the local priory and was there at the same time as St. Martin (the two were friends). His primary duty at the priory was that of porter (doorkeeper) and through it he exercised extraordinary charity. John served the poor in any way that he could and also gave wise counsel to the rich who stopped at his door. After death he was canonized together with St. Martin, who had a similar heart for others.
Read more:
3 Inspirational patron saints of Colombia