Stop for a moment and ask yourself these spiritual questions.Whenever we have an important decision to make, we will typically stall until we have a better sense of what we need to do.
However, we don’t always have peace about a decision, and can struggle in agony for days or weeks.
Whatever the case may be, we should always open our hearts to God and ask ourselves various questions.
The French Trappist monk Dom Jean-Baptiste Chautard wrote in his book The Soul of the Apostolate a few guiding questions that are helpful for such decisions.
Where am I going and why?
How would He act in my place?
What advice would He give me?
What does He want from me, at this moment?
He explains that we need to be alert to God’s movements in our heart, searching our thoughts and feelings to see where God is leading us.
The soul, like an alert sentry, keeps watch over every movement of its heart, over everything that is going on within it: all its impressions, intentions, passions, inclinations; in a word, all its interior and exterior acts, all its thoughts, words, and deeds. Custody of the heart demands a certain amount of recollection.
Keep these questions in mind the next time you need to make a decision that will have a major impact on your life or the lives of others.

Read more:
Got an important decision to make? Recite this prayer

Read more:
Pope Francis’ 8-step guide to discernment