In the light of the Paschal Mystery of Christ, their death is, in reality, entrance into the fullness of life. In the light of faith, we feel even more close to our brothers who have passed: Death has separated us apparently, but the power of Christ and His Spirit unites us in a way yet more profound. We will continue to feel them at our side in the communion of saints.
Nourished by the Bread of Life, we as well, together with those who have preceded us, await with firm hope the day of the face to face encounter with the luminous and merciful face of the Father.
Our Mother Mary watches over them, as she watches over us. May she grant us the gift of never being "separated from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord" (Romans 8:39).
~ Pope Francis, November 4, 2016
O Most Blessed Virgin Mary, my Mother, I turn to you in supplication and by that sword which pierced your sorrowful heart at beholding your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, suffer on the cross, I pray and ask thee to help the holy souls in Purgatory.
O Eternal Father through the most Precious Blood of Jesus and through the Sorrows of Mary have pity upon the holy souls in purgatory. Amen.