Whenever the Church is going through a rough patch, it can be tempting to doubt that God is truly in control. The storms of the world continue to buffet the Church and it may seem that God is sleeping.
Yet, just like the apostles in the boat, we are challenged to trust in God, knowing that he is in control of the Church.
This simple truth is brought to mind in the final general audience of Pope Benedict XVI.
It can be tempting to doubt God's intentions in allowing so much evil in the world, and often that evil can be found in the members of the Church.
Whenever we feel tempted to question the Church, we must always go back to this scene of Jesus sleeping on the boat. God is there, and can will help us get through any trial. We simply need to trust in him and have no fear.
Pope Benedict ends his audience with these consoling words.
If you ever feel your faith in the Church slipping, hold tightly to these words and trust that God is there. He is a loving father who will never abandon his Church.