Milagros Santiso was just 14 years old. She was participating in a spiritual retreat in her home city of La Plata, Argentina, on Saturday, July 30, when she suddenly fainted. After being taken to a hospital, she died of a cardiac and respiratory arrest, according to the official report. The exact cause of this situation is under investigation.
Social networks quickly echoed the beautiful impact that the girl had on those around her before her untimely death. Among the most touching messages was that of her mother, Noelia:
"My soul. You arrived first in the arms of the Virgin. Wait for us, prepare the way. Thank you for so much love and happiness. I love you. Thank you for existing."
The tragedy occurred during a spiritual retreat organized by Aventure La Plata, a Catholic retreat organized for high school-aged young people.
The aim of the retreat, according to the organizers, is for the participants to "look inward and ask themselves questions that perhaps we do not ask ourselves in everyday life—How am I? Where do I come from? Where am I going? What is the meaning of my life?—seeking to give answers from faith and reason and thus enrich our spirit with various teachings that can be useful in everyday life."
It is an "adventure" that for years has been surprising and motivating hundreds of adolescents from different schools in the city of La Plata, who take their renewed apostolic spirit to their families, friends, schools and clubs.
The community of Milagros' school, San Juan Bautista High School, celebrated a Mass in her memory. Many of those close to her have since shared aspects of Milagros' personality, such as a teacher who shared that Milagros “was one of those students who allowed you to teach her more about life than about the subject."
"Many have already heard about it, others of us were together in person last night at the winter retreat, when after celebrating the Eucharist with some of the advisors, and while the children were playing an outdoor game, Milagros, a recent adventurer from the west zone, fainted," said the auxiliary bishop of La Plata, Bishop Jorge González, who accompanies the retreats.
"You can imagine that it was a very big impact for so many boys and girls present. We were together until dawn praying, consoling ..." he added.
Sadly, this is not the first tragedy to befall Milagros’ family. TN reports that the family had already lost another daughter, although details are not provided as to the circumstances. The mother posted an old photo of the two girls, with the caption, “Together again.”