Catholics call the Virgin Mary "Queen of Heaven and Earth," and recall her Queenship on August 22 each year.
Is Mary's Queenship found in the Bible?
First of all, Mary's Queenship is related to her Son, Jesus Christ, who is considered the "New David," and King of Heaven and Earth.
Mary is called a queen because of an ancient tradition that dates back to the time of King David. According to theologian Colin B. Donovan, “In the Old Testament monarchy the Queen of the Davidic Kingdom was the Queen Mother. The Kings, for reasons of state and human weakness, had many wives, none of whom fittingly could be called Queen. That honor was reserved for the mother of the King, whose authority far surpassed the many ‘queens’ married to the king. We see this is the role Bathsheba played with respect to King Solomon and the occasions when the Queen Mother acted as regent on behalf of juvenile successors to the throne.”
There are references to the queen mother in the Old Testament, for example in the Second Book of Kings, “Then King Jehoiakim, along with his advisers, nobles, and officials, and the queen mother, surrendered to the Babylonians” (2 Kings 24:12).
The queen mother in the Davidic Kingdom would hear the pleas of the people and bring them to the king for consideration.
In this way, Mary, the Mother of God, is also the "Queen Mother" in this Davidic tradition.
Furthermore, Mary is also regarded as the "Woman" in the Book of Revelation, who is also a "Queen."
These are the primary instances that point to Mary's Queenship in the Bible.