Throughout his short life, Jozef Stasiak was beset with a number of debilitating health issues, which began when his mother was pregnant with him and his twin, Jacob. The boys suffered from twin-to-twin transfusion -- a rare condition in which the boys shared the same placenta and certain blood vessels.
While Jacob passed away not long after birth, Jozef continued his fight until the age of 12, but sadly died just before Christmas.
When organizing the burial of their son, his parents, Dominik and Heidi, asked the funeral home if there was a way they could help him have a special send off. In fact, the young boy had a love for motorcycles and in particular, the "roar" their engines made, according to the Daily Mail.
The funeral home appealed to the motorcycle community, who -- as is often the case when people are in need -- answered the call and came to escort the boy during his funeral procession.
The bikers came out in such force that they provided a staggering 15-mile procession. And little Jozef's coffin was placed in a motorcycle with a sidecar which was adapted for the procession. And as the video shared by Andrea Hoggarth shows, the bikers provided a rousing 7-minute roar.
What was particularly inspiring about their escort was that the funeral took place on Christmas Eve. These strangers set aside their own festive celebrations to try and bring a little comfort to the bereaved family.
As the Penryn & Falmouth Funeral Directors funeral home shared:
"We would like to thank every single one of you for the support and huge outpouring of love shown for Jozef today. As we met the hundreds of bikers at Carnon Downs we could never have imagined that we would have so many. To all that lined the route, thank you. It was an honor to conduct Jozef's funeral today, as it is for every funeral that we conduct."
Young Jozef leaves behind three older sisters, Faith, Rhyse and Izabella.
Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace.