Pope Francis' greetings to the various language-groups at the end of the general audience of April 12 can serve as "arrow prayers" during this Easter octave.
The Holy Father offered various truths to contemplate and repeat and pray throughout the day, such as, Jesus came out of the tomb for me, or with Him evil has no more power.
Here are a selection of his greetings, to help us to pray with the Easter mysteries:
"The peace of the Lord be with you all." From the tomb where they had locked Him up, Christ Jesus came out for us, to bring life where there was death. He is risen for us and He will not let us lack anything: Leaning on this certainty we will be able to overcome all difficulties.
Our hope is called Jesus. He has entered inside the tomb of our sin and from the darkest depths of our death, He has awakened us to life. He is alive and with Him evil has no more power, failure cannot prevent us from beginning again, and death becomes a passageway to the beginning of a new life.
May the light of his resurrection guide us to better and better accomplish the transition from sin to true life so that we may joyfully proclaim to the world that Christ has defeated death and evil.
With the strength that the Risen Christ gives us, and keeping in mind the experience of St. Paul, let us go out to announce to all the Good News, which gives us joy and peace.