St. Rose of Lima is the patron saint of Peru, the Americas, India, and the Philippines. She was born in Lima in 1586, and her real name was Isabel Flores de Oliva. Her mother began to call her 'Rosa' when she discovered that her face looked rosy and possessed great beauty as she grew older.
Little Rosa welcomed God's call to the total surrender of her life, consecrating herself to Jesus body and soul. She was not a religious, but a laywoman of the Dominican third order. Her fundamental principle in life was to love God deeply from the moment she heard the Child Jesus say, "Rosa, consecrate all your love to me."
From that point on, her inclination to prayer and meditation increased. Her love for God and the Child Jesus was so great that some artists represent her with the Child Jesus in her arms.
5 virtues of this saint that we can all imitate
St. Rose of Lima was a very beautiful young woman, but she did not show off her beauty. On the contrary, she did not want to stand out at all for her appearances. Moreover, she always led a simple and modest life.
She was characterized by her generosity, solidarity, and compassion. She was always ready to help the poor, the sick, and enslaved people, and shared what she had with the needy.
The Peruvian saint helped carry out household chores, visited the sick, cared for them, and supported her parents by gardening and sewing. She dedicated most of her day to work, prayer, and helping others.
St. Rosa never stopped praising God. Her love for God overflowed and she always testified to the goodness she received from the Lord. She understood prayer as a way to communicate with the Father and feel his presence, goodness, and love.
St. Rosa had great confidence in the goodness and mercy of God. She believed in self-sacrifice and total self-giving to those most in need.