At the age of 46, Mar Galcerán made history after becoming Spain’s first MP with Down syndrome. A symbol of perseverance and determination, Galcerán has dedicated her life to serving others and has held various positions in public service. She is a shining example of what can be achieved through hard work and determination.
Galcerán’s journey began with her vocational training at the Altaviana School of Hospitality and Tourism in Valencia. Since then, she has worked as a home technician and a kindergarten assistant. Her commitment to public service spans 26 years, with 13 years as a substitute in the Conselleria de Presidencia de la Generalitat Valenciana, and since 2010 with the position of subalterna (deputy) in the Conselleria de Bienestar Social (Public Welfare Council), Conselleria de Igualdad y Políticas Inclusivas (Equality and Inclusion Council), and currently in the Conselleria de Sanidad y Salud Pública (Council for Public Health).
Prior to her election to the Corts Valencianes, Galcerán served as Secretary of Attention to People with Disabilities for the PPCV. In this role, she advocated for the rights and inclusion of people with disabilities. Galcerán’s passion for serving others and her unwavering belief in the power of perseverance have made her a role model for people with and without disabilities.
As she takes her seat in the Corts Valencianes, Galcerán is poised to make a significant impact on the lives of people with Down syndrome and all citizens of Spain. Her message of hope and inspiration is sure to resonate with people of all ages and abilities.