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Powerful Sir Rolland tales prep our kids to fight evil

Theresa Civantos Barber - published on 09/15/24
Few books capture the power of God’s grace and spiritual growth for children quite like 'The Chronicles of Sir Rolland Paterlot.'

While faith is sometimes stereotyped as wishy-washy, the saints and our Catholic tradition show that true faith, displayed in heroic virtue, is something unconquerable and mighty.

Spiritual warfare is real, and we are called to arm ourselves with God’s grace—while knowing that the battle is not against other people but an inner fight against our own sins and temptations. 

And most importantly, we have access to an infinite supply of God’s all-powerful grace in prayer and the sacraments, available to help us whenever we need it. 

As parents and educators share these lessons with children, we can find a helpful resource in The Chronicles of Sir Rolland Paterlot, also known as The 7 Deadly Dragons series. Few books capture the power of God’s grace and spiritual growth quite like these.

The Red Dragon of Pride is the first in the Sir Rolland series.

Introducing Sir Rolland

You might know Sir Rolland Paterlot from the popular Catholic Sprouts podcast, where his character is a regular contributor. The new series about his character spans seven books, each dedicated to the unique story of Sir Rolland. The dragons of sin wound him, but he is able to conquer them with strategies like prayer, the sacraments, and turning to God for help and forgiveness. 

The books are intended to help children learn the strategies for “facing, fighting, and defeating” the seven deadly sins through the journey of young Sir Rolland, wielding the weapons and armor of virtue and imitating the examples of the saints.

These exciting and unforgettable books help kids understand how the sacraments affect our souls. Receiving his First Confession and First Communion strengthens the hero to conquer the dragon in the first book, for example. 

My 10-year-old son adored the first book, The Red Dragon of Pride, and asked if we could add it to our list for kids’ book club this year. He wants to recommend it to all the kids out there.

These books are an amazing help as we arm our kids with God’s grace and the sacraments for the most important battle they will ever fight. If you’re a parent or Catholic educator, add this series to your library: Both kids and parents will love it and will learn so much, going forth newly equipped to be a force for goodness in this world.

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