Fr. David Michael Moses regularly takes to social media to answer questions people are curious to know about their faith. From discussing the salaries of priests, to explaining more theological issues, the priest's responses are not only pertinent, but they can inspire the faithful to build an even stronger relationship with God.
And recently Fr. David Michael answered a question that is something we don't often think about, but we need to.
The simple question was: "What's the greatest lie the devil tells the elderly?"
The reply: "They don't have much left to offer."
In his response to this lie, the priest explains the extent to which this couldn't be further from the truth.
As he points out in the video below, the older generations might say to him that they don't do anything wrong "as they can't really do anything." It's almost as if they get to a certain age and then nothing is expected of them anymore.
But as Fr. David Michael explains, this couldn't be further from the truth, that actually "something is being expected of you" in the later years.
What's left to offer?
It comes down to the fact that elderly people often feel less valued. This impacts their self-worth and therefore leads them to withdraw into themselves. However, it's so important that even if seniors might not be physically or mentally fit, they've still got so much to offer.
If you take a look at Fr. David Michael's explanation you can see some of the ways in which the older generation can serve us today through wisdom, prayer, presence, and witness.
If you are an elderly person yourself, please take note of the crucial positive impact you can have on younger generations. And if you're younger, please bear in mind how very blessed we are to have older members of society in our lives, and help them to feel valued.