As we step into 2025, we’re not just ticking off another year on the calendar; we’re marking a deeply significant milestone. It’s the Church's Jubilee Year with the theme of hope , a time to celebrate, reflect, and renew our connection to God, others, and ourselves. And we’re also completing the first quarter of the 21st century — a moment to recognize the opportunities and challenges of our time and to embrace the path forward with purpose.
The Jubilee invites us to look toward the future with renewed hope and faith in God's plan. It also encourages us to live a fuller, more intentional life, so we've created a list of 25 ways to make this year truly count.
1Go on a Pilgrimage
Travel to a sacred site, whether it’s the Vatican, Lourdes, or your local cathedral. Pilgrimages are a chance to pause, pray, and renew your sense of purpose. If it's not possible to physically visit a site, you can look at online tours of sacred places and get a better understanding of their importance in the Catholic Church.
2Perform a Work of Mercy Every Month
Choose one corporal or spiritual work of mercy to focus on each month. It could be feeding the hungry, visiting the sick, or counseling the doubtful. Small acts of kindness can create ripples of grace and can have a lasting impact on those on the receiving end.
3Explore the Jubilee Indulgence
The Church offers indulgences during Jubilee years for pilgrimages and acts of mercy and penance. Learn about the conditions and embrace this spiritual opportunity for yourself and others.
4Revisit the Sacrament of Reconciliation
Use this Jubilee year to embrace God’s mercy by going to confession. It’s a profound way to reset your spiritual compass at the start of the year and can really help you look forward to 2025 with hope in your heart.
5Learn More About Pope Francis’ Vision of Hope
To help you understand the significance of this special year in the Church, you could take the time to read the pontiff's latest writings, especially those tied to the Jubilee, to better understand his message of care for creation, solidarity, and joy.
6Embrace Sustainability
It's so easy to get caught up in the world of consumerism, but if we echo Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’, and try to make eco-friendly changes in our lives — reduce waste, recycle more, assess what we really need compared to what we buy -- we can focus on life's genuine pleasures and become the stewards of God's creation that we are called to be.
7Read the Bible in a Year
Join a Bible-reading plan or podcast to journey through Scripture from Genesis to Revelation. It’s a fantastic way to see the bigger picture of God’s story. Thankfully there are plenty of apps available, too, that can help you read the Word of God in a year.
8 Practice a Daily Gratitude Journal
At the end of each day, write down three things you’re thankful for. Gratitude can shift your perspective and bring joy even in tough moments. And at the end of the year, you can read back and reflect on everything you've been blessed with and you'll certainly see you were right to have hope.
9Volunteer in Your Local Community
Give your time to a cause that serves the marginalized -- homeless shelters, food banks, or mentoring programs. Serving others is faith in action, it also gives those less fortunate the ability to live with hope, too.
10Host a Jubilee Celebration
It's always important to celebrate the positive things in life. Therefore, why not organize a gathering for family, friends, or parish members? Celebrate hope, share stories, eat cake, and inspire one another for the year ahead.
11Dedicate a Day to Silence and Reflection
In our noisy world, silence is a gift. Spend the day away from all your screens and reflect on your life, family, your relationship with God. You could also try going on a silent retreat to really focus on what's important.
12Discover a New Devotion
It's important to nurture your spirituality, and one way of doing this is to try something new in your prayer life. From the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, the Lectio Divina, or the Examen, there are many ways you can deepen your prayer life.
13Learn About a New Saint
It's important to stay educated and one way of doing this is to read the biography of a saint you don’t know well and let their life inspire your own journey. As there are thousands of saints in the Catholic Church, you have so many impressive holy men and women to learn about. It's definitely an education that can take a lifetime.
14Write Letters of Hope
You can't beat a little tradition now and then. Therefore, why not send handwritten letters or notes of encouragement to friends, family, or even strangers who need a little extra light in their lives.
15Take Care of Your Body
While we can take care of our mental and spiritual development, it's important to also nurture our bodies. Exercise regularly -- even if it's a speedy 10-minute daily walk -- eat well, and sleep enough (we appreciate that this isn't always easy, especially if you have little ones who enjoy socializing in the early hours!). Caring for the temple of your body is an act of gratitude to God for the gift of life.
16Reconnect with Nature
We often talk about the importance of getting out into the great outdoors. The benefits are endless, and can even boost your marriage. Whether it's hiking, gardening, or simply walking, let the beauty of creation renew your spirit.
17Mentor Someone Younger
The world changes so quickly and for young people it can be quite comforting to have the wisdom of someone older to reassure them. Therefore, try passing on your wisdom and faith by mentoring a younger person in your family, parish, or workplace.
18Rediscover Family Traditions
Once again, with everything changing so rapidly, it's lovely to hold on to family traditions. Think about taking the time to really ensure that you maintain family traditions, or create new ones, especially around prayer and the liturgical year.
19Participate in Jubilee Events
Check out local or global events tied to the Jubilee and join in the communal celebration of hope and renewal.
20Try a Digital Detox Weekend
We appreciate that this is easier said than done! However, try to take a break from screens to focus on relationships, prayer, and meaningful activities. If you manage one whole weekend you can congratulate yourselves and see if you can manage a few more throughout the year.
21Support Catholic Media and Artists
Explore Catholic books, music, podcasts, and films... and of course, sign up to the Aleteia newsletter! Supporting creators who uplift faith and beauty is a way to build culture and share the joy of the Catholic faith with others.
22Take a Financial Check-Up
This is a great activity to do at the beginning of the year -- especially if Christmas ended up being rather costly. Review your finances and consider how you might save, spend, and give more intentionally. Align your resources with your values.
23Learn About a Social Justice Issue
It's important to know what's going on in the world and the injustice others live with on a daily basis. In fact, the Church is full of saints, such as St. Martin de Porres, who were the original social justice warriors! Take the time to deepen your understanding of an issue like poverty, migration, or environmental justice. Pair learning with action.
24Make Forgiveness a Priority
Forgive someone you’ve held a grudge against or seek forgiveness from someone you’ve hurt. Reconciliation offers hope and is at the very heart of the Jubilee.
25Celebrate Small Wins
And most importantly, take the time to celebrate the little victories in life, whether personal or shared. A spirit of joy makes the year even more meaningful.
2025 offers a unique opportunity to live intentionally, balancing faith, hope, and everyday life. By weaving spiritual practices with personal and communal growth, you can honor the Jubilee while stepping confidently into the next chapter of this century. Here's to a year of purpose, joy, and meaningful action!