People old and young—both singles and married couples—come here, arriving by bicycle or private or company cars. The Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary in Kornice, Poland is a place where anyone who feels the need to be alone with Jesus can come and find a moment of peace and solace.
Many hours of adoration, even during working hours
The small shrine stands by a dirt road, on the edge of the Pulow forest. Inside there are benches and a special book in which anyone can write their intentions. On the altar, right next to a statue of Mary, is the Blessed Sacrament.
“In this place, someone is waiting for you. You don't have to explain yourself to him, because he knows you much better. There’s someone waiting who loves you very much, wants to help you and give you solace. In this place, you’ll regain strength, faith, and hope that everything in life has meaning,” reads the chapel’s website (in Polish).
Those participating in the adoration commit to devote one hour a week to praying before the Blessed Sacrament at an established day and time.

Eco-Windows owner's new idea
With the influx of new volunteers, the chapel is planning to organize perpetual adoration of Jesus in the Eucharist 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
The Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary was built by Mateusz Kłosek, owner of Polish window company Eko-Okna (Eco-Windows). He’s also the president of the Our Children—Education, Health, Faith Foundation of Kornice, which became famous for funding a billboard campaign promoting pro-family and pro-life values and is involved in perinatal hospices. Employees who sign up for prayer during the day can go there during working hours. Those employed by the company can also come here during night hours. In addition, each employee can request transportation to the chapel in a white company car.

Who is Matthew Kłosek?
Kłosek comes from a family of craftsmen and has been an entrepreneur for almost 30 years. He’s a husband and the father of three children. It has always been his dream to establish a large company.
Matthew Kłosek consistently avoids making statements in the media. However, in a speech during the Fourth Pilgrimage of Entrepreneurs to Jasna Gora, he decided to share publicly his testimony of conversion.
His parents' divorce greatly affected him in his childhood. A crisis in his own marriage almost led to the breakup of his long-standing relationship. He struggled with alcohol addiction and workaholism. Then, when he encountered God in his life, his approach changed — not only towards his family, but also towards his employees.
Today, the company works for social responsibility and is involved in charitable activities. The Our Children—Education, Health, Faith Foundation, of which Matthew Kłosek is president, provides financial support to children and individuals in difficult life situations, and also helps state institutions and NGOs.