Saints over the centuries have often promoted the frequent reception of Jesus in Holy Communion.
They have not only promoted the reception of Communion on Sundays, but even at daily Mass whenever possible.
There are many benefits to this spiritual practice, but it must be said that Holy Communion needs to be received without any stain of mortal sin. Otherwise, Communion will only further separate a soul from God, as it is a mortal sin to receive Holy Communion in such a spiritual state.
With this in mind, St. Francis de Sales highly recommends Holy Communion as a way to preserve a soul from evil desires.
Preserved in honey
St. Francis de Sales explains in his Introduction to the Devout Life that God instituted this sacrament to help preserve our souls from evil:
The Savior instituted the most holy Sacrament of the Eucharist, really containing His Body and His Blood, in order that they who eat it might live for ever. And therefore whosoever receives it frequently and devoutly, so strengthens the health and life of his soul, that it is hardly possible for him to be poisoned by any evil desires.
He then uses an analogy to help illustrate this spiritual truth:
The most fragile, easily spoilt fruits, such as cherries, apricots, and strawberries, can be kept all the year by being preserved in sugar or honey; so what wonder if our hearts, frail and weakly as they are, are kept from the corruption of sin when they are preserved in the sweetness (“sweeter than honey and the honeycomb”) of the Incorruptible Body and Blood of the Son of God.
This is possible because Holy Communion can bring us into a deeper "communion" with Jesus Christ.
If we do receive Holy Communion frequently and don't feel any difference, it may be because our heart is not disposed to the graces God wants to give to us.
God always knocks at the door of our heart, but we have to open it.