This January, those who cannot make their way to Washington, DC, for the annual March for Life can still support the pro-life movement with prayer. The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is inviting Catholics and people of good will to join in its “9 Days for Life” initiative, which will spiritually unite thousands in praying the Respect Life Novena beginning January 16.
The “9 Days for Life” has been held annually since 2013, prior to the Supreme Court’s decision on Dobbs, which sent power to legalize abortion back to the state level. Now for over a decade, parishes, schools, and individuals have taken part in the novena, praying for the protection of human life from conception until natural death. The novena has drawn participation from thousands around the world, from at least 100 countries.
In a point of added relevance, the 9-day series of prayers encompasses the annual Day of Prayer for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children on January 22. That is the anniversary of the Roe vs. Wade decision.
Participating in the Respect Life Novena is as easy as signing up for the daily prayers and spending a little time praying them through each of the nine days. The prayers are available in both English and Spanish, and participants can choose to receive the daily prayers via email or text message.
The overarching intention of the Respect Life novena is the end of abortion, but each day will feature a related prayer intention, as well as a reflection, action ideas, and more.
Examples of the prayer intentions include “May every pregnant mother receive compassionate care and support as she nurtures the life in her womb” and “May civic leaders work for the protection of all human life, in every stage and circumstance.”
In addition, the USCCB has provided resources to better engage groups from parishes, schools, and ministries. Those who are organizing groups may appreciate the ability to print out the daily prayers for easy distribution. Meanwhile, parishes may benefit from pre-written bulletin or pulpit announcements, provided by the USCCB.
Learn more about the Respect Life novena at, and sign up today to pray solo or in a group for the protection of human life.