Big news this week out of the Diocese of San Bernardino:
Bishop [Gerald R.] Barnes announced to the priests at the convocation Friday that he has established Blessed Oscar Romero Parish in Eastvale and has appointed Fr. Pat Kirsch as the first pastor of the Parish.
Oscar Romero, of course, was beatified just this year.
As far as I can tell, this is the first parish in the United States—and, maybe, in the world—to be named for the archbishop slain in El Salvador in 1980.
According to its website, the Diocese of San Bernardino is the 5th largest in the United States—just ahead of Brooklyn—serving about 1.6 million Catholics. It covers some 27,000 square miles, with 241 priests and 107 deacons.
The new parish will be the 94th in the diocese. Its official establishment takes effect on the First Sunday of Advent, 2015.