An innovative form of evangelization is starting in New Orleans.
From The Times-Picayune:
Roman Catholic Archbishop Gregory Aymond is taking to the big screen with an invitation to all local moviegoers: “Come join us!” Before each movie starting on July 22, New Orleans area theaters will show a 15-second spot depicting young Catholics participating in the life of the church, and concluding with the archbishop encouraging viewers to learn more about the faith.
For the next 12 months, the commercials will run in all local movie theaters in rotation with other advertisers, said Sarah McDonald, director of communications for the Archdiocese of New Orleans. “We don’t know of any other diocese that has undertaken this type of campaign,” McDonald said. “We’re excited, and we’re hopeful and we are looking forward to seeing what God can do with this.”
…McDonald said the idea for the advertising campaign grew from goals discussed during the archdiocese’s Ninth General Synod last year. One of the goals is to engage the disengaged in the life of the church.
“We want to reach beyond the people we talk to regularly and issue an invitation to those who may not be familiar with the church or who have stopped attending Mass to take another look,” McDonald said. “Perhaps they will see someone or something they relate to in the spot.”
Check out the brief ad below.