Remember the first time you saw Captain Jean-Luc Picard reading The Complete Works of Shakespeare on a thin tablet of some sort, and you thought, “wouldn’t it be cool, if we could make it so”?
And then of course, suddenly we found ourselves doing the bulk of our reading on thin little tablets.
Now, Consumer Physics has created a device that will scan the molecular makeup of your food and count calories for you:
The Scio Scanner and DietSensor can deliver real-time results and aid even the strictest dieters and patients on a pre-determined diet plan. Currently, the SCiO scanner can only analyze homogenous foods or foods with the same texture.
You can point it to a piece of chicken, cheese, pork and bread and it’ll give you the nutritional breakdown via the DietSensor app. You can’t scan an entire sandwich or a plate of pasta or a pizza slice with all the trimmings…yet.
This is futuristic technology that could potentially lead to Star Trek-style medical scans, where the doctor just scans you and knows exactly what ails you. Of course this is much more primitive, but it’s already being used to identify medicines:
Can we get a Wow?