Daily Prayer
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And today we celebrate...Sunday, June 4

St. Francis Caracciolo

A patron for Italian cooks!



Co-Founder of the Adorno Fathers: (1563-1608)

His life

+ Francis was born in the Abruzzo region of Italy and was known to have been a gentle child.

+ When he was 22, Francis became ill with a skin disease that was diagnosed as leprosy and he was considered beyond treatment. Fearing death, he made a vow that if he regained his health, he would dedicate his life to the service of God. He was healed a short time later and he was ordained a priest in 1587.

+ In 1593, he accepted an invitation from Venerable Augustine Adorno of Genoa to take part in the establishment of a new religious institute. Providentially, Francis was not the intended recipient of the letter—it was for Father Fabrizio Caracciolo—but he believed it was God’s will that he join Adorno. Together the priests drew up the rule of life for the Congregation of Clerics Regular Minor (the Adorno Fathers).

+ The Adorno Fathers and Brothers bring together the active and contemplative lives, with a special emphasis on Eucharistic Adoration. Francis served as his order’s Superior General after the death of Father Adorno. He was beloved for his willingness to serve the community in the humblest tasks and for his care for the poor.

+ Saint Francis Caracciolo died on June 4, 1608, and was canonized in 1807. He is honored as one of the patron saints of Naples and of Italian cooks.


“My most beloved Lord, how good you are! Blood of Christ shed for me! It is mine, do not deny it to me because it is mine! O priests, strive to offer Mass everyday, inebriate yourselves with this blood. O Paradise, O Paradise, Blessed are those who live in your house, O Lord.” –Saint Francis Caracciolo

To learn more about the Adorno Fathers, visit: http://adornofathers.org/


O God, who didst adorn blessed Francis, the founder of a new Order, with zeal for prayer and love of penance, grant that Thy servants may make such progress by imitating him, that through constancy in prayer and bodily mortification they may deserve to attain heavenly glory. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

(from The Roman Missal [1962 Edition])


Saint profiles prepared by Brother Silas Henderson, S.D.S.