Daily Prayer
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And today we celebrate...Thursday, March 27

Saint Rupert of Salzburg

A Patron Saint of Austria (d. 710-720) Bishop


His life:

+ Rupert’s first ecclesiastical office was as bishop of Worms.


+ After being expelled from that position for political reasons, he was invited to work among the Bavarian people. Beginning his ministry in Salzburg and eastern Tyrol, he worked not only to convert the native peoples but to also combat the Arian ideas that existed among those who were already Christian.


+ Rupert eventually established a church and monastery at Salzburg, both dedicated to Saint Peter. He also established the convent at Nonnberg, where the nuns followed the Rule of Saint Benedict.


+ Having established this stable base of ministry, he traveled extensively, founding churches and monasteries throughout the region.


+ Saint Rupert died on Easter Sunday, probably between 710 and 720. His relics now rest in the Cathedral at Salzburg. Today, he is honored as the patron of Salzburg and as one of the patron saints of Austria.


Spiritual bonus:

On this day the Church also remembers the 5th-century martyr Saint Augusta of Treviso. According to ancient tradition, she was murdered by her father for her unwillingness to deny Christ.



Almighty ever-living God, who have made sacred this day's rejoicing at the glorification of blessed Rupert, graciously grant that we may strive always to keep and to put into practice the faith which, with unquenchable zeal, he strove to proclaim. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.

(from The Roman Missal: For Pastors—For Missionaries)