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How a woman’s will saved a baby from abortion

Paola Bonzi - published on 07/30/19

Faced with homelessness, a couple was going to have an abortion, until they were given an unexpected opportunity.Last Thursday, Monica and Luca arrived with their 7-month-old baby Simone, accompanied by Giulia, one of our team members, who met this couple who had decided not to continue with their pregnancy. This is what they told me:

“We were fine until a short time ago. Our jobs allowed us to rely on regular income with which we could pay the rent on our house and live a normal life. Then, we lost everything. The businesses we worked for closed their doors, and our landlord is threatening to evict us. As if all this weren’t enough, I’m 6 weeks pregnant. Carrying this pregnancy to term would be folly. I think you would agree.”

Despite her sweet expression, Monica was asking me to agree with her decision to abort her unborn child. I looked at Luca, who also looked like a good man, and who was attentive to every movement of their young child Simone. “He’s very alert,” he told me, “and tries to participate actively in our family life.”

The baby in your womb is the same as the one in your arms

As always in these cases, I felt like I could hardly breathe, and I wasn’t sure how to handle such a difficult situation when they’d already made their decision. There was a moment of silence, and Simone was the only one who made his joyful and bright voice heard. We all looked at him intently, and I felt with absolute certainty their love for this son of theirs. That gave me the strength to speak.

“Have you thought about the fact that a little more than a year ago, Simone, who is so beautiful and alert now, was exactly like the child that’s growing inside Monica? Certainly, he was much smaller than he is now, but it’s the same baby that we have here with us today and who brings such joy with all his babbling and energy.”

I had the sensation of having set off a small bomb. The couple looked at each other, and took Simone by the hand, as if to be sure that he was alive and well.

“It’s true,” Monica said unhappily. “That’s the way it is, but with all of these problems … for example, the problem of us losing our house, what can we do?”

“Unfortunately,” I answered, “you would end up without a home and without your baby. Interrupting a pregnancy isn’t the solution to the problem that you’re facing. Would you allow me to make a phone call?”

A last will and testament saves a life

Suddenly, I had remembered some news we’d received a short time ago: “The apartment on Eustachi Way has been freed up, because that couple has been assigned public housing.”

At this point, I was able to offer Monica and Luca the possibility of moving into that convenient two-room apartment, which had been renovated a short time ago. I looked them in the eye, saying, “Can I tell you a story? Years ago, I was called to give my testimony at the Parish of St. Francesca Romana. Among those present was a woman, well along in years, who loved children. Apparently, my story had made her reflect, and it resulted in her leaving her house to our Center in her will, so that it could be used by a pregnant mother who would otherwise have an abortion because of a lack of housing. Would you like to move in there? I’m sure that the woman who made this gift would be happy, and the apartment is perfect for housing a beautiful little family.”

Monica was very surprised—too surprised to believe it—and couldn’t manage to accept the offer right away. “Monica, I never tell a lie, especially in serious matters,” I said. “I’m convinced that moving to that house could be the beginning of a new life for your family, giving you a bit of serenity.”

Monica was still perplexed. “I can’t believe it. I’d like to see it.”

And so, an appointment was made that very morning and after the visit, they came back very happy. I greeted them with enthusiasm, saying, “The fact you came back means you’re saying yes, right?”

Luca answered, “Nothing this beautiful has ever happened to us before. This way, Simone will have a little brother.”

We all shared the emotion of this moment, but especially Monica, who repeatedly hugged me close to her.

Paola Bonzi is the founder and director of CAV Mangiagalli, the “Center for Helping Life,” a pro-life non-profit in Italy that helps pregnant women in crisis. This article is republished from her Facebook page with permission.

Read more:
This baby survived an abortion, and her name means “victory”

Read more:
Exclusive photos: What no one wants you to know about the pro-life movement

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