The New Testament is full of letters that are addressed to early Christian communities, such as the Corinthians, Ephesians, or Thessalonians.
However, it also contains three letters that are addressed to individual persons, two to St. Timothy and one to St. Titus.
Who were Timothy and Titus?
Pope Benedict XVI offered a reflection on these two saints in a general audience in 2006, commenting on how highly Paul viewed them.
Similarily, Titus proved to be a worthy companion and was also given important tasks.
At times St. Paul can seem like a larger than life figure and we can think that he did everything on his own. Yet, it is clear in his letters that St. Paul relied on many people, including Timothy and Titus, as Pope Benedict XVI observes.
This fact reminds us that in the Christian life, we are not meant to be alone and need the help of others to both proclaim the Gospel, but also to live it out on a daily basis.