While it is clear that the Catholic Church opposes abortion, many ask whether the Bible has anything to say about abortion.
Dignity of life in the womb
One of the most oft-quoted verses from the Bible in defense of life is from the book of Jeremiah.
This simple verse affirms that God knows us before birth and that our dignity comes from God, even before we are born.
The prophet Job also recognized that God is the one who made us, giving us dignity within our mother's womb.
Another verse from the Psalms points out our consecration to God from the first moments of our life inside our mother.
Thou shalt not kill
With this in mind, when God said, "You shall not kill" in the book of Exodus, this includes all human life, from conception to natural death. It is generally accepted by Bible scholars that this refers to "murder," or the intentional killing of another person, rather than the accidental death of someone.
Nevertheless, Jesus even went a step further, condemning unholy anger as an extension of this commandment.
While its true that the word, "abortion" is not in the Bible, God is clear in his revelation that he knows us intimately while in our mother's womb, and condemns murdering human life.