There's something so uplifting when you encounter street performers giving their all. This was the case for onlookers when two pianists, countries apart, demonstrated that music is truly for everybody.
In Russia, Eleonora Arkadevya Breslav, from Kazan, mastered Franz Liszt's Hungarian Rhapsody No.2 on a piano that was a far cry from the finely tuned ones she played at the Bolshoi Theater where she worked as an accompanist many years ago.
Her performance was captured by YouTuber Life Goes On In Iran during the 2018 FIFA World Cup. and it impressed all who heard her. As the person who filmed her pointed out: "I love her smile at the end of the video" that pretty much sums up the joy of sharing a talent.
Meanwhile, in an Italian airport one year later, passengers got to listen to the stunning Waltz in A minor by Chopin, performed by 6 year-old Martina Meola, who at the time was called a prodigy.
This year, the now-9-year-old performed in Romania's Got Talent and received the Golden Buzzer that catapulted her into the final round for the piano playing she performed blindfolded.
The youngster was also accepted at Milan Conservatory this year, with the institution forgoing their usual age restrictions.
Both these exceptional musicians prove that our God-given talents can last a lifetime, and can bring a sense of joy to those who benefit from them.