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7 Ideal saints to turn to for particular career struggles

Cerith Gardiner - published on 04/11/24
These holy men and women are perfect to turn to if you're having difficulties at work.

For varying reasons work can be a huge source of stress for individuals at different times in their lives and can even reduce their lifespans. Even when things are going smoothly, a new, difficult project might suddenly crop up, throwing a monkey wrench in the works that leaves you feeling overwhelmed. Even positive developments can add to your stress at work. If you welcome a new addition into the family, for instance, then the work-life balance can be hard to manage.

While ideally it would be great to be able to turn to your boss to resolve these stresses, that is not always possible. Thankfully, however, there are a number of saints you can turn to in prayer and ask for their support, guidance, and intercessory powers.

Below are a handful of saints to look to in particular situations. And as you'll see at the end, there is the ultimate saint to pray to for every work situation, and in fact, just about any situation in general!

St. Thérèse of Lisieux: For when you're swamped

For those who are struggling with the sheer magnitude of the corporate world, then look to St. Thérèse, the 'Little Flower' with impressive intercessory power. Despite her short life, this Carmelite nun had some serious insights into life's struggles. Her "little way" philosophy teaches us to find joy and meaning in the small things that surround us, even when our careers feel like a giant mess. So if you're drowning in deadlines or feeling like a tiny cog in a big corporate machine, St. Thérèse can sprinkle some of her rose petals of wisdom and remind you that every little effort counts.

St. Catherine of Siena: To discern a vocation

St. Catherine is the perfect saint to turn to if you're feeling overwhelmed by career decisions or struggling to find your path. She can offer both her wisdom and guidance. A powerhouse of determination and faith, she fearlessly pursued her calling as a mystic, writer, and advocate for the poor and marginalized. With her intercession, she can help you discern your true vocation, navigate career obstacles with grace, and find the courage to follow your dreams, no matter how daunting they may seem.

St. Thomas More: To stay true to your values

St. Thomas More is an ideal saint for when you're in need of some career-related courage and integrity. Known for his unwavering commitment to his principles, even in the face of persecution, he's the ultimate role model for maintaining moral integrity in the workplace. Whether you're facing ethical dilemmas, workplace conflicts, or difficult decisions, St. Thomas More can lend you his strength and wisdom. With his intercession, you'll find the courage to stay true to your values and strive for excellence in your career, no matter the challenges you encounter.

St. Ignatius of Loyola: For a career strategy

For those seeking a career strategy that's as solid as St. Ignatius' ironclad faith, then the founder of the Jesuits is an ideal intercessor. This holy man was all about discernment and making wise choices, and he wrote the book on spiritual exercises and decision-making. Therefore, whether you're at a crossroads in your career or just need some divine guidance to help you navigate the corporate jungle, St. Ignatius has got your back. With his intercession, you'll hopefully be making impressive career moves in no time.

St. Gianna Beretta Molla: For juggling work-life balance

It's understandable if juggling career ambitions and family responsibilities is leaving you feeling totally overwhelmed. But thankfully there's one modern-day saint in particular who you can look to. St. Gianna is a modern-day saint who was a doctor, a wife, and a mom, proving that you can have a fulfilling career and family life and still have a heart of gold. Her unwavering dedication to her family and her profession makes her the perfect intercessor for anyone struggling to find balance between work and home life. Whenever you're feeling torn between climbing the career ladder and spending quality time with loved ones, St. Gianna can help you find that elusive work-life harmony.

St. Francis de Sales: For career setbacks

If you're feeling like your career aspirations are hitting a brick wall, then it's time to channel the patience and perseverance of St. Francis de Sales. This saint knew a thing or two about persistence, having spent years as a missionary and bishop spreading the good word. His gentle yet determined spirit makes him the perfect intercessor for anyone facing setbacks or obstacles in their career journey. When you're tempted to throw in the towel or succumb to self-doubt, St. Francis de Sales can offer you a dose of his trademark serenity and remind you that with a little faith and a lot of elbow grease, you can overcome any career hurdle.

St. Joseph the Worker: The ultimate career coach!

If you're hammering away at your career and suddenly hit a snag, it's time to look to the ultimate career coach and patron saint of workers. As the earthly father of Jesus and a hardworking carpenter himself, St. Joseph knows a thing or two about the daily grind. Whether you're seeking employment, striving for success in your current job, or navigating workplace challenges, St. Joseph is your go-to saint. His steadfast dedication to his craft and his family makes him an excellent intercessor for those seeking stability and fulfillment in their careers.

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