During their recent visit to the Vatican, the Archconfraternity of Sts. John the Baptist and Evangelist of the Knights of Malta were greeted by Pope Francis. In his address to the Knights, the Pope reflected on the image of Mary Most Holy, Mother of God.
Pope Francis noting that the Blessed Mother is the protector of the Knights of Malta’s confraternity, “which honors her with the title of Hodegetria,” which means "she who shows the way," a reference to Jesus, “who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life."
"This is the event of love to which you bear witness by adoring the Eucharist, serving others, and walking through the history of your city," said the Pope.
The Holy Father went on to reflect on the three verbs, which guide not only the Confraternity, but all Christian faithful: adore, serve, and walk. In regards to adoration, the Pope urged worship of the Blessed Sacrament. He encouraged the cultivation of prayer, both private and in communion with others.
"Let this be the strength that constantly renews your ancient association," Pope Francis instructed.
In regards to service, the Pope explained that each time we care for the poor or the sick and each time we accompany those experiencing suffering, this is a service to the Lord. Pointing out a connection between service and adoration, he noted that “Christ came into the world to serve,” and in this, service to others is following the way of Christ:
“You too, like branches united to the Vine, extend His charity when you draw near to the small and the needy with compassion and tenderness. Then your witness of devotion to God and dedication to your brothers and sisters will shine brightly for everyone along the way."
In his final reflection, on the verb “walk,” he reminded that Jesus is the Way and we are called to persevere as we follow Christ’s path. It is during this earthly pilgrimage that we are tasked with keeping the torch of faith alight. It was in this moment that the pope recalled how the Confraternity offers the Pascal Candle at Rome’s Basilica of St. John Lateran each year during Easter, along with a charitable donation to the Pope’s chosen cause.
Read more from the Pope’s meeting with the Knights of Malta at Vatican News.