In the images, we see her bring her hand up to touch the monstrance holding the Blessed Sacrament with her fingertips. Yet it was Jesus in the Host that seemed to touch the little girl's soul, as if he had taken her in his arms in a gentle embrace.
“Blessed are the pure in heart!”
In this video released by photographer Neto Lima at the end of January, a little Brazilian girl is filmed during Eucharistic adoration organized by Canção Nova, a Brazilian Catholic charismatic community. The priest approaches the faithful and presents them with the monstrance containing the Host.
That’s when the girl reaches out along with other congregants to reverently touch the monstrance. As soon as she touches it, the little girl bursts into tears, clearly overcome with deep emotion. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God!”
Although only God knows exactly what may have happened in this little girl's heart, the images are nonetheless a magnificent testimony to the pure, innocent faith of children. They show us the true love that should animate everyone before the Real Presence.
Indeed, our faith teaches us that Christ is truly present in his body and blood, soul and divinity under the species of bread and wine in the Eucharist. Let's ask the Lord to keep us childlike enough to sincerely adore his loving presence.