Daily Prayer
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And today we celebrate...Monday, October 28

Saint of the Day: Sts. Simon and Jude Thaddeus




(First Century)

Their story

+Simon, called “the Canaanite” and the “zealous” in the gospels, is traditionally thought to have been a fisherman.

+ It is generally accepted that he was a member of the Zealot party, a Jewish sect that was responsible for the revolt against the Romans that resulted in the destruction of the Temple in Jerusalem in 72.

+ According to tradition, Simon preached the Gospel in Egypt.

+ The apostle Jude, now honored as the patron saint of impossible cases, is normally identified with the “Thaddeus” mentioned in the Gospels of Matthew (14:22) and Mark (3:18).

+ Traditionally honored as the author of the New Testament epistle that bears his name, he is remembered for having asked Jesus why he would not reveal himself to the whole world, to which Jesus replied that he and the Father would visit all those who remained with him (John 14:22-23).

+ Ancient tradition relates that Saint Jude proclaimed the Gospel in Egypt and Mauritania and that he was martyred with Saint Simon in Persia.

+ The supposed relics of Saints Simon and Jude are enshrined in St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome.

+ Saint Jude Thaddeus is honored as the patron saint of impossible cases.

For prayer and reflection

“Beloved, build yourselves up in your most holy faith; pray in the holy Spirit. Keep yourselves in the love of God and wait for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ that leads to eternal life.”—Jude 20-21


The Dominican Nuns of the Monastery of St. Jude (Marbury, Alabama): https://www.marburydominicannuns.org/

Spiritual bonus

On this day, we also remember Blessed Maria Pilar Gullon Yturriaga. A laywoman born in 1911 in the diocese of Astorga, Spain, she was known for her dedication to teaching catechism to local children and for caring for the sick in their homes. During the Spanish Civil War, she trained as a Red Cross nurse and served on the front lines. Arrested on October 27, 1936, she was imprisoned, beaten and raped before ordered to renounce the Christian Faith by the anti-Catholic militia. Because of her refusal to deny her faith, she was shot in a field near Pola de Somiedo on October 28. She was beatified Blessed Octavia Iglesias Blanco and Blessed Olga Pérez-Monteserín Núñez, laywomen and nurses who suffered the same fate.


O God, who by the blessed Apostles
have brought us to acknowledge your name,
graciously grant,
through the intercession of Saints Simon and Jude,
that the Church may constantly grow
by increase of the peoples who believe in you.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever. Amen.

(from The Roman Missal)

Saint profiles prepared by Fr. Silas Henderson, S.D.S.