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Her life
+ Edvige was born in Pozzomaggiorage, Italy. Although she felt called to religious life at an early age, she left school in the fourth grade to stay home with her chronically ill mother. She was known to devote her free time to prayer.
+ In 1911, she received the stigmata. Although she tried to hide it, the signs of this grace became known to others. Known as a visionary, she reported visions of Jesus and various saints, including Saint Anne, Saint Catherine of Siena, Saint Francis of Assisi, Saint Paul the Apostle, Saint Rita, and Saint Therese of Lisieux.
+ Edvige moved to Rome shortly before the outbreak of the Second World War and she spent the war years dedicating herself to charitable acts and praying for those who had died.
+ During the final years of her life, Edvige spent her time teaching catechism and caring for the poor and sick.
+ Blessed Edvige Carboni died on February 17, 1952; she was beatified in 2019.
For prayer and reflection
“Even from her human and Christian lived experience, there emerge facts that make her witness more relevant than ever: Edvige is a valid point of reference for women of today, of every age and every social level. Her simple and profound spiritual experience, marked by charity without limits, boundless humility and ceaseless prayer, is a model that remains current, as it demonstrates that even in a simple and ordinary life, it is possible to experience a solid communion with God and an apostolate characterized by the passion for wounded and disadvantaged humanity”—Cardinal Giovanni Angelo Becciu at the Beatification of Blessed Edvige Carboni
Spiritual bonus
On this day the Church in Malta celebrates the Feast of the Shipwreck of Saint Paul. In chapter 28 of the Acts of the Apostles, Saint Luke recounts the time Paul and Luke spent in Malta as being graced with miracles of healing and he is especially grateful for the warm hospitality offered by the people of Malta. Saint Paul is honored as the patron saint of Malta.
Hear us, God our Savior, that, as we rejoice in commemorating the Virgin blessed Edvige, we may be instructed by her loving devotion. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and ever. Amen.
(from The Roman Missal: Common of Virgins—For One Virgin)
Saint profiles prepared by Father Silas Henderson, S.D.S.
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