Daily Prayer
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And today we celebrate...Sunday, March 23

Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo

Patron Saint of Peru (1538-1606) Bishop

Turibius Alfonso de Mongovejo

His life:

+ Turibio Alfonso de Mogrovejo was born in Spain in 1538 and after studying  civil and canon law before being ordained priest and bishop; he was appointed archbishop of Lima, Peru, in 1580.


+ Turibius spent 25 years serving the people of Peru, often traveling on foot to celebrate the sacraments and teach the people. He established the first seminary in the Americas.


+He learned the many of the native languages so he could be a better pastor and teacher for the indigenous people. He defended the rights of native peoples against Spanish colonials.


+Turibius died in 1606 and was canonized in 1726. He is honored as the patron saint of Peru and a special patron of those who work for the rights of indigenous and native peoples.


+ It is recorded that Saint Turibius confirmed more than a half million people, including Saint Rose of Lima and Saint Martin de Porres.


For prayer and reflection:

“In discharging their duty as father and shepherd, bishops should be among their people as those who serve, good shepherds who know their sheep and whose sheep know them. They should be outstanding in their spirit of love and concern for all, true fathers whose God-given authority all obey with joyful heart.”—Vatican Council II, Christus Dominus


Spiritual bonus:

On this day we also remember Blessed Peter (Peadar) O’Higgins. An Irish Dominican priest who served as prior of the Dominican community in Naas, he was among many Irish churchmen who refused to recognize the English monarch as head of the Church. For this, he was martyred in Dublin on March 23, 1642, and he was beatified with other Irish martyrs in 1992.



O God, who gave increase to your Church
through the apostolic labors and zeal for truth
of the Bishop Saint Turibius,
grant that the people consecrated to you
may always receive new growth in faith and holiness.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
God, for ever and ever. Amen.

(from The Roman Missal)