White House thinking of ways to provide contraceptives to women who work for objecting companies.
Business owners with a conscientious objection might not have to pay for health insurance coverage that includes abortifacient contraception, now that the Supreme Court has ruled in Burwell v Hobby Lobby. But pretty soon, the taxpayer might have to.
According to the New York Times, thousands of women will be left without contraceptive coverage, possibly including non-abortifacient methods, as other cases challelnging the administration’s HHS mandate get worked out in court. So the Obama administration is deliberating plans to cover the gap.
"One proposal the White House is studying would put companies’ insurers or health plan administrators on the spot for contraceptive coverage, with details of reimbursement to be worked out later," the Times said. "Another would give the administration itself a larger role in offering cost-free coverage to women who cannot get it through their employers, although the option for a new government entitlement appears unrealistic for financial and political reasons."
The government considers contraceptive coverage a compelling interest, but the Supreme Court, in Hobby Lobby, said that the Religious Freeedom Restoration Act, requires the government to find the least restrictive means in advancing that interest. Mandating that companies and organizations that object on religious grounds is most restrictive means and would violate their religious freedom.
The Obama administration says the cost of providing contraceptives will be offset by savings that result from greater use of birth control, fewer unplanned pregnancies and improvement in women’s health, said the Times.