Enjoy these hilarious and informative blog posts to help promote and celebrate Natural Family Planning.Last year’s guest post for NFP Awareness Week by James of RealCatholicLoveandSex.com continues to be one of the most popular posts on the blog. This year, we’ll give you a roundup of the best NFP Awareness Week posts from all over the web, including James’, of course. Thanks to readers Tara, Scott, Ellen, Susan, Cat, and Mary Lou for their suggestions. If you know of other great posts that should be added to the list, please share the link in the comments!
1. What is Natural Family Planning, by James of RealCatholicLoveandSex. James emphasizes that Natural Family Planning is actually a misnomer. Charting the signs of a woman’s fertility is more of an education in her own body. We endanger our own happiness by making idols of our plans, as many couples learn when they use artificial birth control to prevent pregnancy for many years only to face infertility problems when they finally "plan" to conceive.
2. The WINNER’S Guide to NFP, by Simcha Fisher. To much popular acclaim, Catholic blogger Simcha Fisher authored The Sinner’s Guide to Natural Family Planning, which was released by Our Sunday Visitor earlier this year. So for NFP Awareness Week 2014, Simcha is offering a bevy of free give-aways, including an autographed copy of her book, a ClearBlue Easy Fertility Monitor (which retails for $135 – $150+), and a copy of my friend Susan Windley-Daoust’s new book Theology of the Body, Extended: The Spiritual Signs of Birth, Impairment, and Dying.
3. The Paradox of Crunchy Women and Chemical Birth Control, on Ethika Politika. The post asks why anyone buying into the popular organic food craze would still willingly put artificial hormones into her own body every day. In addition to causing potential side effects like weight gain, depression, heart attack, and stroke, hormonal birth control has been shown to interfere with a female’s ability to select a good mate or to attract one, according to certain studies.
4. Natural Family Planning Awareness Week: A few thoughts, by Deacon Scott Dodge. This post makes the important point that developing any virtue requires self-control and self-denial. The virtue of chastity is no different, and NFP helps us to attain that virtue.
5. Which Method of NFP is Right for Me?, on IUseNFP.com. Although not an NFP Awareness Week post, strictly speaking, this short quiz is extremely helpful for people who are just starting NFP or who are not satisfied with their current method.
6. NFP Week! Theology of the Body in a Nutshell, by Ellen Gable Hrkach. Spousal love should be free, faithful, total, and fruitful, says Ellen, and artificial birth control can destroy all those aspects. It encourages an "I can’t say no" attitude to sex, which keeps both husband and wife from loving in a free and mature manner.
7. My Husband, the Gentleman, by Sarah Hammond. This young bride explains how cherished she feels because of her husband’s agreement to use NFP. Other couple testimonies are available on this page of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops web site.
8. The Fruitfulness of Truth, by DarwinCatholic. A lovely essay on how talking about being ready (or not) for another child can bruise feelings and egos, but since marriage lasts a lifetime, these bumps on the road can be seen as temporary setbacks rather than insoluble problems.
Karee Santos is a happily married mother of six. She and her husband began teaching marriage preparation and enrichment classes in New York City in 2003. Karee has authored numerous articles on marriage and family for the National Catholic Register, Faith & Family magazine, and various Catholic websites. She also founded the online Catholic marriage support community Can We Cana?.
Republished with the permission of Can We Cana?. © 2014. All rights reserved.