Reiki is a popular alternative healing service that has its origin in Japanese-Buddhist culture and seeks to help individuals relax as well as heal.
According to William Rand, founder and president of the International Center for Reiki Training, "Rei is the all-knowing God-Consciousness and Ki is life energy, which animates all living things. According to Rand, the free and balanced flow of Ki is the cause of health. Blocks, or disruptions in the flow of Ki, are the main cause of illness."
Many Christians connect with this spirituality and become trained in the art of Reiki with the belief that it is in accord with Christian teaching.
However, the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops released a statement a few years ago about the spiritual dangers of Reiki.
They believe that Reiki does not have the scientific credibility to be used as a natural means of healing. This means that the methods used are not based on medical science, but on a belief in a spiritual power. While some believe this power comes from God, the method of Reiki is not in accord with divine healing as seen in the Bible.
The bishops conclude by warning Christians of the dangers behind using such a practice.
While it may seem like Reiki can be used in a Christian context, its origin and central spiritual teaching are at odds with Christianity and can lead a person away from God, invoking alternative spiritual powers to produce a desired result.
If we seek bodily healing from God, the sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick has been passed down to us throughout the centuries and administered through the hands of a priest, can strengthen our resolve and authentically heal us, body and soul.