A sign of hope and unity in a time of social distance.
Lenten Campaign 2025
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Stuck at home with little to do, people who are isolating themselves in an attempt to avoid the coronavirus have turned to the Christmas tradition of hanging lights. Their efforts to cast tiny lights of hope on these dark and troubled times has gone viral on social media, through hashtags such as: #covidChristmas, #ChristmasinMarch, and simply #Christmaslights.
Not only is this a cute idea and fun for the whole family, but it allows you to maintain contact with your neighborhood, while keeping a safe distance. Then, when all the lights are up, take the kids on a car ride to look at all the other houses for a risk-free outing.
Bryanna, Izzy and I are doing our part to put a little happiness back in the world. Our Christmas lights are on and they will stay on until we all get through this. #CoronaOutbreak #christmaslights pic.twitter.com/MK9qEPScFx
— Chad Dyer (@chadadyer) March 18, 2020
https://t.co/W9tceQ6zJm — I’d be down with it. Christmas IS my favorite time of the year.🎄 #christmaslights
— JJAReyes (@Blade_theDJ) March 18, 2020
The lights are bringing people together at a safe and reasonable distance. It is a way to show that we are all in the same boat, as far as the coronavirus is concerned, and it’s a way to share a much-needed laugh.
So when you’re done with whatever work you can do from home, consider breaking out the ladder to set up a few lights. It might just brighten your whole outlook on self-isolation.
My youngest son was bored today and said, "can we put Christmas lights on our tree outside to cheer us up?" Great idea buddy. Lights are on tonight as a sign of hope and the sweet mind of my 10 year old. #Rhodeisland #hope #lovemysons #Christmas #Cumberland pic.twitter.com/qhVjeuLc02
— Mike (@rhodyknowsbest) March 16, 2020
Let's face it, it sucks out there. Why not have something wonderful to look at while driving around. Let's put up our Christmas lights during this whole coronavirus era and give our communities something joyful. #COVID #LockedDownLightsUp #stayhomechallenge pic.twitter.com/x5AgQBZKYi
— Dan Garcia (@Dan_Garcia76) March 18, 2020
We need more hope, kindness and cheer in this time of darkness and uncertainty so I plugged my Christmas lights back in on my porch. #coronakindness #walkinginmemphiswithkimber #speedwayradio #spreadcheer #spreadlight #bekind #memphis pic.twitter.com/a7WU8lYi1S
— Kimber Tomlinson (@OnAirWithKimber) March 18, 2020