These digital seminars in English about communication for universities, ecclesial institutions, and social organizations will take place daily from June 15 to 18, from 4pm to 6pm CEST (9am to 11am EDT)
The International Federation of Catholic Universities and Aleteia, in collaboration with the Blanquerna Observatory of Communication, Religion and Culture, are offering four digital seminars in English about communication for universities, ecclesial institutions, and social organizations. The sessions will take place daily from June 15 to 18, from 4pm to 6pm CEST (9am to 11am EDT).

The objective of this formative activity is for participants to show and share their experiences and best practices in sessions moderated and imparted by experts from the world of communication and Catholicism. On this occasion, the professors come from various institutions and will discuss four different topics.
Professor Juan Manuel Mora PhD, Vice President of Communications at the University of Navarre, an expert in institutional communication, will talk about the reputation of universities in times of COVID-19. On her part, Alba Sabaté PhD, Deputy Director at the Blanquerna Observatory, will discuss the transference of university investigation to society. In this same context, Jesuit professor Peter Lah S.J., associate professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome, will give a seminar on crisis communication. Finally, the relationship between journalists and the institutions of the Holy See will be presented by the coordinator of the International Association of Journalists Accredited to the Vatican, Cindy Wooden, of Catholic News Service.
Those interested in participating in the seminars may request more information and register, until June 12, by emailing Registration gives access to all four seminars (it is not possible to register for just one of the webinars) and participants will receive a certificate of participation.