There are many wonderful things about living in today’s connected world, but a massive downside is a rise in materialism and consumerism. One little way we can fight these is to “shop small” at small or local businesses.
The Church has taken a stand against these downsides of globalization because materialism and consumerism are opposed to the Gospel message of detachment and generosity. Pope Francis wrote in his encylical Fratelli Tutti,
He especially condemns “the drive to limitless consumption” that can be an unfortunate side effect of the global economy.
This fall, as we head into preparing for Christmas, let’s make it a point to shop at small businesses and local businesses. In this way, we can each do our part to build a better world.
Not sure where to begin? Here are 12 small Catholic shops on Etsy to support. (For tons more ideas, check out this giant list of small Catholic businesses!)