Prayer can be a struggle for many people, as we are not always taught how to pray by our parents or our catechists. We may have been taught formula prayers when we were little, but our prayer life often stays at that level, not progressing as we get older.
One helpful exercise in prayer that has been taught over the past century is the acronym ACTS.
Here is a brief explanation of each of the letters and how to implement it in your prayer life.
A - Adoration
The first step of this type of prayer is adoration and it consists of opening ourselves to God and adoring God for who he is. We recognize how God is there, waiting for us and inviting us into a deeper relationship.
C - Contrition
After adoring God and his beauty, we turn into ourselves and recognize how we have fallen and do not always respond to God's invitation of love. We ask the Holy Spirit to reveal our sins and strive to turn away from them, embracing God as our loving Father.
T - Thanksgiving
Our heart now turns to God in thanksgiving, recognizing how God has given us every good thing and is always with us. We can give thanks to God in all circumstances, even in what appears to be a bad situation for us.
S - Supplication
We end our prayer in supplication, which is also known as "petition." This is the most common type of prayer, where we cry out to God and ask him to help us in our need.