So much has been written about Natural Family Planning, a way of helping married couples either achieve or postpone pregnancy by observing a woman’s natural cycles of fertility.
For Catholic couples, it’s the only approach to family planning. As explained on the USCCB website,
So you may have heard of the general idea. But when it comes time to actually use NFP, you may find that things are not as straightforward as they sound on paper.
Maybe you’re getting married soon, or you’re recovering from having a baby, or any of a number of other occasions when it’s time for NFP theory to become NFP reality. And suddenly you realize this NFP thing is harder than you thought!
You’re trying to chart bodily signs, but everything looks the same, all the time. Or you’re trying to get up early to take your temperature, but it’s impossible to take it at a consistent time when the baby keeps you up half the night. Or you’ve heard you should try using a fertility monitor, but when it arrives in the mail, you can’t figure out what you’re supposed to do with the dang thing.
If the whole thing has you totally confused, you’re certainly not the first one. NFP is no walk in the park.
And it can be extremely frustrating to realize that you’re supposed to use a system for family planning that is often difficult to learn and seems to have a lot of barriers to entry for learning how to use it correctly.
A free NFP conference for beginners
If any of this sounds familiar to you, I have some great news. A virtual conference was designed especially for NFP beginners, and it might be just what you’re looking for.
NFP Engage: The Virtual Conference for Natural Family Planning Beginners is totally free and starts today!
Just sign up with your email to join the conference for free on YouTube.
The instructors speaking at the conference teach every kind of NFP method: Marquette, Creighton, SymptoPro, Boston Cross Check, FEMM, NeoFertility, and Chart Neo.
And on Day 3 of the event, there’s a live panel with NFP experts, so you can ask about any NFP method and get real-time, personal answers.
So if you’ve found that it’s time for you to learn NFP, this conference can demystify the process and make it much easier for you.
One less barrier to learning NFP is a wonderful thing to see!