Santa Claus is referred to by many names around the world, including Father Christmas, Kris Kringle, and St. Nick.
What is Santa Claus' real name?
The mythical figure of Santa Claus is based on the real-life saint known in the English language as St. Nicholas.
The name Santa Claus is simply a derivation of the Dutch word Sinterklaas, which is a translation of the Latin Sanctus Nicolaus.
St. Nicholas is generally believed to have lived in the 4th century in Myra, a region of Lycia in the Roman Empire. Living under the Roman Empire, he likely had the Latin name Nicolaus, though it's possible his Greek name could have been used, which was Nikolaos.
The modern name Santa Claus is essentially the same name, though has taken on a life of its own and describes a very different figure than the original saint it is based on.