The Vatican press office is giving regular updates on Pope Francis' recovery from surgery.
On Wednesday afternoon, June 7, Francis had an operation to correct an intestinal hernia with risk of occlusion. Initial reports indicated that the first night and next morning went well.
Friday morning, the update was that the Pope had had another good night:
The previous update, from Thursday, had more details:
On Thursday afternoon, the director of the press office, Matteo Bruni, wrote:
His Holiness Pope Francis spent the day resting.
The medical staff following the Pontiff's post-operative course reports that he has been fed a liquid diet. His haemodynamic and respiratory parameters are stable. The post-operative course appears regular.
This afternoon, the Solemnity of Corpus Christi, he received the Eucharist.
Among the many messages of closeness, he was touched by the affection of the family of little Miguel Angel, baptized by Pope Francis last March 31 during his visit to the paediatric oncology and neurosurgery wards of the hospital. They sent him a poster wishing him a speedy recovery.
The Holy Father personally thanked the mother with a brief phone call.
The poster wishes the Pope: "Get well soon!" and says they wish for his recovery with all their hearts, as well as showing pictures of the family members and thanking the Holy Father for baptizing "our little brother Miguel Angel." They tell the Pope that it would be wonderful to be able to spend an afternoon together, so that he could get to know their family better -- "your family, because now you are a part of our lives."
"We love you a lot!" they tell the Pope.
The baptism came about when Pope Francis visited children who are patients in the pediatric oncology ward at the Gemelli Hospital in Rome, on March 31, days after he was admitted to the same hospital for a respiratory infection. He was then able to baptize the newborn baby, Miguel Angel.
The Pope told the mother that day that when she takes the baby to the parish to register him, to say that the Pope baptized him.