Fr. Petros Mwale is a parish priest of St. Martin De Porres Parish in the Diocese of Mzuzu in Malawi. On his X (formerly known as Twitter) account, Fr. Mwale often posts about the many wonderful moments and occasional setbacks in his day-to-day life as a priest. He also sponsors a daily rosary on X Spaces where participants can add their intentions and join in prayer with others.
Yesterday, he shared a lovely video that he made with his parishioners.
“We are Catholics” provides a wonderful 1-minute summary of what it means to be Catholic, while also addressing some misconceptions that people all over the world have about the faith. Of the fallacy that Catholics worship Mary, for instance, one woman proclaims: “We do not worship Mary. We honor her!”
After you watch the video, you will probably want to share it with others. What a wonderful example of how Catholics everywhere can use video and social media to reach others across the globe and make the New Evangelization a reality!
Malawi, a country located in Southeast Africa, is a majority Christian nation, with roughly 82% of its citizens professing faith in Jesus. Approximately 17% of the Christians are Catholic. In a 2018 survey, Malawi was named as one of the “most religious” countries in the world.
Fr. Mwale’s video makes it clear that the Catholic faith is very alive in his community and parish. It also shows that his parishioners sport some truly awesome Catholic-themed attire like this Our Lady of Perpetual Help shirt: